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Modern Slavery Statement 2024
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (‘Act’) and constitutes Sabre Insurance Group plc and its subsidiaries’ modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2023.
About Sabre
Sabre Insurance Group plc and its subsidiaries (together, the ‘Group’) is a motor insurer with a diversified, multi-channel distribution strategy, selling policies through a broad network of brokers and direct brands. Policies sold through brokers account for approximately 70% of the Group’s gross written premium. The Group operates solely within the UK and operates from one site in Surrey, where it employs 162 employees on a full-time equivalent basis (as at 31 December 2023). The Group deals with pricing and technical claims management in house, and outsources to carefully selected partners the business areas of customer support, first notification of loss and repair management, and the Group’s IT system.
Sabre’s Commitment
We support the aims of the Act and recognise that insurance underwriters, like any other business, must seek to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking does not feature in any part of their business or supply chains.
Sabre is committed to acting responsibly and ethically in business relationships and to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking does not occur anywhere within our business operations. Sabre has a zero tolerance approach to any form of slavery and human trafficking within the Group or its suppliers.
Due Diligence, Assessment, Management and Effectiveness
A risk based approach is used to assess the likelihood of modern slavery occurring. We require all suppliers to provide their Modern Slavery Statements as part of the tender process prior to their appointment and then annually if successfully appointed. These statements are reviewed by Senior Management to ensure that our suppliers recognise that acts of slavery and human trafficking will not be tolerated, and that suppliers are reducing the risk, and that these acts are removed from their business and supply chain. Sabre expects that all suppliers share Sabre’s commitment to acting responsibly and ethically. Any supplier which does not meet the Group’s expectations will have their relationship reviewed, and potentially terminated if the risks are not subsequently addressed or their Modern Slavery Statement is not deemed satisfactory by Sabre’s Management.
Sabre operates a range of policies and processes to identify and mitigate modern slavery risks including a Code of Conduct for its employees and business associates (available https://www.sabreplc.co.uk/about-us/code-of-conduct/), supplier assessments and audits and regular employee training. Our policies and processes reflect our commitment to act ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to identify and eradicate modern slavery practices from our business and our supply chain, to the extent that they exist.
The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for ensuring the Group effectively manages the risk of slavery and human trafficking within the Group. To support this, the Head of Compliance ensures that the Company is compliant with its statement on an annual basis.
Employee Training
The Group requires all new employees upon joining the business complete an online training module, which outlines signs of modern slavery and the risks associated with it. All employees are required to repeat this training on an annual basis. The intention of providing this compulsory training is to equip employees with the skills to recognise signs of slavery, to understand that it will not be tolerated, and to report any suspected cases to Senior Management, with the overarching objective to prevent slavery and human trafficking occurring within the Group and its suppliers.
The Group operates an independent, confidential and anonymous whistleblowing helpline to allow employees to report concerns, including concerns relating to slavery and trafficking. Employees are required to complete training annually on the Group’s whistleblowing policy, to ensure awareness.
Annual Statement
During the year ended 31 December 2023 there were no reports relating to modern slavery or violations of human rights reported (directly or indirectly) or cases identified. There were also no incidents reported relating to our supply chain, either by internal supplier relationship managers or our suppliers themselves.
This statement was approved by the Sabre Insurance Group plc Board on 14 March 2024.

Geoff Carter
Chief Executive Officer
Sabre Insurance Group Plc
14 March 2024